News from Flutter

Flutter is a mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop mobile applications for devices running on operating systems such as Android and iOS. Flutter has been under constant development and improvement since its launch in 2017, and there are several major advancements that have recently been implemented on the platform. Some of the latest developments in Flutter include:

  • Flutter 2: In March 2021, Google released Flutter 2, a major new version of the development framework. Flutter 2 includes a number of new features and enhancements, such as the ability to develop web and desktop applications, support for multiple languages and platforms, and improvements in performance and development speed.
  • Flutter for Web: With Flutter 2, developers can use Flutter to develop applications for the web. This allows mobile developers to create applications that are also used in a web browser.
  • Flutter for desktop: Flutter 2 also includes support for desktop application development, allowing developers to create mobile applications that can also be used on desktop platforms such as Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Flutter for embedded devices: Flutter 2 also includes support for developing applications for embedded devices, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and touch screens.
  • Flutter for mobile: In addition to these new uses, Flutter continues to be a popular choice for mobile app development for Android and iOS. With Flutter, developers can create apps that run natively on both platforms without having to write separate code for each.

These are just a few examples of the latest developments in Flutter. The platform continues to be constantly updated and improved, and more new features are expected to be implemented in the future.

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